Can I sleep now?

No. Not now yet!


You need to accomplish this one more post to make it 25, your total posts.


So, you have to think of another interesting topic for an article to make.

Ggggrrrrr! What is it? What do you think is it?

Don’t ask me. Ask yourself.

Crazy, huh?! Can I just sleep now?

I don’t think so.

Why not, coconut? It’s already 2:29 AM.

What’s new? You always blog ’til dawn, right?

You know that?

I do.


Ask yourself how.

Hmmm.. Can you just stop talking?

You better stop asking and  I’ll stop talking.

You think I’m crazy?

Obviously, you are.

Why do you say so?

Because you’re talking to yourself, don’t you?

I know, right?

Isn’t that crazy?

No. It’s funny actually. 🙂